Special Election Endorsement for Larry Grooms (U.S. Congress, South Carolina)

CONTACT: Ryan Gill – RyanJamesGill@gmail.com or (650) 678-7732

Conservative Campaign Committee Endorses
Larry Grooms for U.S. Congress – Special Election

The Conservative Campaign Committee PAC (a federal political action committee) is pleased to announce its endorsement of conservative Republican State Senator Larry Grooms for U.S. Congress in the Special Election set for March 19th.

“With this endorsement, we are sending a contribution to Mr. Grooms’ campaign, and have also launched an independent expenditure campaign in support of his congressional bid,” said Lloyd Marcus, Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee PAC.

“While there are numerous Republican candidates running in this special election, we believe that Senator Larry Grooms stands head and shoulders above the rest of the pack,” said Mr. Marcus.

State Senator Larry Grooms was named “Friend of the Taxpayer” by the South Carolina Association of Taxpayers and was recognized by the Chamber of Commerce as a “100% Business Advocate” as well as receiving a 100% rating from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).

Grooms has been a stalwart defender of the sanctity of life, and was endorsed during the past week by 2 key Tea Party congressmen: Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney. He’s also received endorsements from the Tea Party Leadership Fund and the Palmetto Conservatives Fund. Grooms proudly received an A+ rating from the NRA as well.  On top of that, he is the recipient of the American Legion’s “Legislator of the Year” award.

“Senator Larry Grooms’ record of accomplishment makes him well-qualified to serve in Congress, and his conservative pedigree should reassure voters that he will be an effective and principled advocate for constitutional conservatism,” concluded Lloyd Marcus.
The Conservative Campaign Committee (website: www.ConservativeCampaign.org) is led by Chairman Lloyd Marcus, who has emerged as one of the leading conservative activists in the nation. Mr. Marcus penned The American Tea Party anthem (See the video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1byTDgu7iA ) and has attended several hundred tea party rallies across the nation. Lloyd Marcus makes frequent appearances on TV and radio shows across the nation such as this recent appearance on Fox News Channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIEzsfREMAQ


Selena Owens serves as Vice Chair of the Conservative Campaign Committee and is an accomplished author and conservative activist. Her most recent book is “The Power Within a Conservative Woman.” She is a sought after speaker, such as this speech given at the National Press Club: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfPaxEeHdLI She also makes regular appearances on TV and radio shows such as this appearance in support of the Tea Party movement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GxQTVJycc0


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