Author: Lloyd Marcus

The Unhyphenated American

Transgender Theory Enables Child Abuse

Pope Francis said that teaching children about being transgender is a moral problem which he calls “ideological colonization”. He said explaining gender theory to youngsters is wrong because it can change their “mentality”. The pontiff shared, “A father asked his…

A Wonderful Unexpected Christmas Gift

My wife Mary and I are an interracial couple.  Over 40 years ago, Mary’s dad and stepmother who raised her accepted their daughter marrying a black guy.  Mary’s birth mother did not.  She refused to meet me. Around Thanksgiving, Mary received an amazing…

The LGBTQ Hart Attack Is a Good Thing

While I am not suggesting that we should experience schadenfreude, the LGBTQ enforcers attempt to viciously destroy the career of comedian/actor Kevin Hart for tweets he made nine years ago is encouraging. Finally, even leftists are beginning to see the…

As For Me and My House

Candidly, I have not written in a while because I’ve been in a funk. I caught Rabbi Jonathan Cahn on TV sharing devastating stats confirming we (Conservatives) have lost the culture war; the battle for the hearts and minds of…

Kavanaugh and the Depth of Democratic Evil

Like many of my fellow Americans, I wept for Brett Kavanaugh while watching him deliver his powerful, heartfelt, and facts-filled opening statement at the hearing.  Witnessing the evil Democratic smear machine’s destruction of this great man’s character and life was heartbreaking.…