Lloyd in Iowa: Awesome Day! Powerful Cruz Rally!

Ted Cruz Rally Iowa & Lloyd Marcus2

Wow, what an evening! I attended the Ted Cruz rally in Sioux City, Iowa. Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, Glenn Beck, Congressman Steve King, Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots and other conservative leaders all sounded the alarm that America is headed into an evil dark abyss; far from the inspired Christian vision of our founding fathers. The message was “Choose Cruz!” The righteous good vibe was powerful folks.

Ted Cruz & Lloyd Marcus DiscussionI have driven this crucial point home in numerous articles. Once we put Cruz in the driver’s seat, I am confident we can trust him to immediately hit the breaks and turn our country around; make a sharp right turn onto the right road to recovery.

I tell you folks, it was refreshing being in an auditorium filled with people of like minds; fellow Americans who know our country is in deep spiritual, moral and cultural trouble; conservatives who know we need a Godly leader to shepherd us back onto the right path.

Phil Robertson drew enthusiastic applause when he said America needs to focus less on “political correctness” and more on being “biblically correct.”

Before the rally that evening, my Conservative Campaign Committee team and I spent all day waving “Ted Cruz” signs on Sioux City street corners. Motorists supporting Cruz far outnumbered those supporting his opposition. Cruz enthusiasts honked their horns, yelled, gave us thumbs up and waves.

Looking like a burnt-out hippie straight out of Central Casting, a scruffy bearded young man in a junk car drove by us. With slurred speech as if on drugs, he yelled out his window, “I’m for the burn man-n-n-n-n-n!” It was priceless folks. Our team had a good laugh.

Tead Cruz Rally Iowa 1I thought, the fact the Bernie Sanders is drawing huge crowds of youths is truly sad and unfortunate; evidence that liberals have indoctrinated our kids via hijacking public schools. These kids who support Sanders absurdly believe that government should provide everything for free while taxing Americans at 90%. The speakers on stage at the Cruz rally are correct; our country is in big trouble.

Lulu, our CCC team’s phone-from-home czar pointed out an interesting anecdote. In two days of our team waving signs, only two motorists yelled, “Hillary!” The majority of Iowa Democrats that we encountered support Sanders.

Speaking of our phone-from-home initiative, grassroots are really stepping up to the plate for Cruz. They keep Lulu busy, asking her for more lists of hundreds of voters to call. Very cool.

Well, that’s it for tonight folks. It’s been a long day. I’ll report back in with you tomorrow.

Oh, one last thing before I call it a night. Sharron Angle has an awesome project to stop voter fraud during the 2016 election. Please check it out. http://www.electioncorruption.com/


Thanks and God bless, Lloyd

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman: The Conservative Campaign Committee


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