Tag: unhyphenated American

Yes, I Blame White Liberals

Yes, I Blame White Liberals A white teacher said he routinely overhears vulgar and racist comments from students at an all black high school. I blame the black youth’s negative mindset on blacks in the civil rights exploitation business and…

Is the Tea Party Dead?

I have been engaged in a series of interviews on radio and TV, discussing the topic “Is The Tea Party Dead?”  Because I am black, every interview has begun with me being asked my take on Ferguson before discussing the…

Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man

Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man Words can not express my disdain for the reprehensible behavior of VP Joe Biden and his Democrat co-conspirators. At a gathering of mostly black civil rights leaders Biden strategically launched a nasty false…

America, the Bullied

Perhaps it is because as a child, I witnessed Zaggy torturing chubby Butterball every morning at the school bus stop. Consequently, I have an extremely low tolerance for Leftists bullying Americans into submission and getting away with it. Fear caused…

What a Brat!

What a Brat! Awhile back, I watched a cell phone video of Dave Brat speaking at a town-hall meeting. I thought, I really like this guy. Conservative Campaign Committee of which I am chairman, endorsed Dave Brat. Along with tea…

Democrats’ Immoral Approach to Minimum Wage

Democrats’ Immoral Approach to Minimum Wage Thank God Obama and the Democrats’ attempt to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour stalled in the Senate. http://onforb.es/1iAWgRd Raising the minimum wage destroys jobs. http://fxn.ws/1u4R2R8 Democrats pushing for a higher…

Benghazi Report: Hillary’s Incompetence

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton continue their campaign of lies and deceptions concerning the 9/11/12 terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including our U.S. Ambassador. A new media report highlights Hillary Clinton’s incompetence as it related to the…

The Tacky Dressed Girl

The Tacky Dressed Girl My wife Mary and I grabbed a bite to eat at an inexpensive buffet restaurant. A group of rambunctious teens rolled in, about 8 or 9 of them. One stood out. In my mind, I affectionately…