Tag: conservative campaign committee

The Tea Party is Back! April 15!

President Trump has our economy booming.  Unemployment claims are at an unprecedented 50-year-low.  There are more jobs available than there are workers to fill them. Yet every Democrat presidential candidate is on a mad dash to socialism.  If a Democrat is elected president in…

Happy Easter: A Reason for Hope

Many of them honked their horns in support, waved, gave us thumps up, and cheered us on. Clearly, they were politically well informed and probably mostly Republicans. We need a huge Republican turnout to stop Ossoff from getting 50% of the vote April 18.

Leftists Are Mean!

Mary and I are in Georgia working to stop Nancy Pelosi’s far-left-radical hand puppet Jon Ossoff from stealing the GOP congressional seat vacated by Tom Price who is our new Secretary of HHS. Our numerous Conservative Campaign Committee initiatives include…