Tag: conservative

Caution Blacks: White Men at Large

It was the 1970s.  My black buddy Joe told me about a job opening for a graphic designer in the art department at WJZ-TV, an ABC affiliate television station in Baltimore.  Dick Weisberg, the white department head, liked my portfolio,…

Joe Carr is the Real Deal

Joe Carr is the Real Deal Mary and I made the trek from Florida to Chattanooga, TN for me to speak/sing at a rally for Joe Carr co-sponsored by “Beat Lamar” and Conservative Campaign Committee. Tennesseans have launched an enthusiastic…

America, the Bullied

Perhaps it is because as a child, I witnessed Zaggy torturing chubby Butterball every morning at the school bus stop. Consequently, I have an extremely low tolerance for Leftists bullying Americans into submission and getting away with it. Fear caused…

Happy 4th of July!

Patriots! Happy 4th of July! Remember We Are Americans! http://www.reverbnation.com/artist/video/12822025 Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American Chairman: Conservative Campaign Committee PAC

What a Brat!

What a Brat! Awhile back, I watched a cell phone video of Dave Brat speaking at a town-hall meeting. I thought, I really like this guy. Conservative Campaign Committee of which I am chairman, endorsed Dave Brat. Along with tea…

Democrats’ Immoral Approach to Minimum Wage

Democrats’ Immoral Approach to Minimum Wage Thank God Obama and the Democrats’ attempt to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour stalled in the Senate. http://onforb.es/1iAWgRd Raising the minimum wage destroys jobs. http://fxn.ws/1u4R2R8 Democrats pushing for a higher…

A Conservative Republican To Defeat Al Franken!

A Conservative Republican To Defeat Al Franken! The Conservative Campaign Committee (website: www.ConservativeCampaign.org) is pleased to announce our endorsement of Conservative Republican State Senator Julianne Ortman for U.S. Senate in Minnesota, and we wholeheartedly support her campaign to  defeat the…

The Two O’s Betrayal of White America

While black celebrities such as Oprah continue to claim that Obama is opposed and disrespected because he is black, the truth is the polar opposite. http://bit.ly/17cgZUi Because Obama is black, he enjoys unprecedented imperialistic power and respect. Obama ignores the Constitution, changes and refuses to enforce laws at will.

Despite impeachable offenses, white America does not have the stomach to impeach the first “African-American” president. Consequently, Obama’s lies and deceptions continue to devastate the lives of millions of Americans without serious push back.

Obama Lied, Keeping Your Plan and Doctor Died

President Obama said, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period.” Obama lied. Period.

A 2010 IRS form confirms that to sell Obamacare, Obama shamelessly lied to the American people, promising that they could keep their health care plans and their doctors but well aware that at least 10 million Americans would not be allowed to keep either.

Okay, so Obama got caught lying to the American people again. So what? Nothing will happen. Like Michael Jackson’s famous line in his “Thriller” video, “I’m not like other guys” — and Obama is not like other presidents. Even after five years of lies and the display of less than admirable character, it is still unacceptable to oppose, challenge, or criticize the first black president.