Lloyd Marcus: Cruz Wins! Thank You Jesus!

Ted Cruz & Lloyd Marcus Discussion

Folks, my Conservative Campaign Committee team have been boots on the ground in Iowa for Ted Cruz. We are overwhelmingly happy and blessed that our efforts contributed to Cruz winning the Iowa Caucus.

It is amazing what you see, learn and feel on location that you could never experience watching on TV; things not reported in the media.

Ted Cruz & Lloyd Marcus croppedFor example: I attended the Cruz rally in Sioux City, Iowa a day or so before Monday’s vote. After the rally, hundreds rushed to the stage to speak, take pictures and hopefully shake Cruz’s hand. A WWII vet was first to converse with Cruz. Oblivious to the fact that hundreds were behind him, the elderly gentleman acted as if he and Cruz were having a private meeting. He spoke to Cruz for what seemed like an eternity. People were clearly becoming impatient.

And yet, Cruz looked the old soldier in the eye giving him his full attention, never attempting to hurry the senior along. Cruz’s behavior was very kind, respectful and impressive. I chose not to share my observation of Cruz with the WWII vet before Monday’s vote. I did not want to cheapen their exchange with people thinking I was exploiting the heartwarming incident to win votes for Cruz.

As I said, it is amazing what you experience being there on location. Every day our CCC team was on Iowa street corners waving “Ted Cruz” signs. Cruz’s win confirms that the good vibes we were feeling from voters was correct. The majority of motorists who drove by us favored Cruz; expressed by honking their horns, yelling, thumbs up and enthusiastic waves.

Ted Cruz sign wave Iowa 1-31-2016What I did not mention in previous updates from Iowa was the motorists who gave us their middle finger along with a healthy dose of venomous hate. I thought, “Okay, I get it. You don’t want Cruz. But what is up with the hate? What so offends you about Cruz?”

Candidly, the motorists’ anger and hate for Cruz felt like a spiritual thing; good vs evil. Without apology, Cruz is running on a platform of traditional moral values. That is as repulsive to some folks as showing Dracula the cross.Ted Cruz Iowa War Room 1

A majority of Americans instinctively sense that our country is headed to a deep dark place. During his powerful inspiring Iowa victory speech, Cruz promised, “Morning is coming!”

I was out walking in Iowa when Joe Wierzbicki, our Conservative Campaign Committee executive director texted that Cruz won Iowa. I thought, “Thank you Jesus!” Onward and upward folks. Onward and upward.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman: The Conservative Campaign Committee


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