My View From Iowa, Cruz & Fox GOP Debate

Our Conservative Campaign Committee team is in Iowa serving as ground troops in support of Ted Cruz; organizing phone from home, producing ads, sign waving, social media and etc. Mary and I flew in to join our team the evening of the Fox News GOP presidential debate.

The white millennial hotel shuttle driver who picked us up from the airport asked why we were in town. Mary said the Iowa Caucus. He asked who do we support. This sparked a political conservation. Wrong on several issues, he said Trump is a racist, Cruz is too right-wing and blacks are poor victims in America. By the way, I am black.

In spite of how tired I was after traveling all day, I debunked the well-intention, but clueless, kid’s liberal take on numerous issues. He listened and even nodded in agreement with several points. I tipped him well.

So, I’m in my hotel room watching the debate. Meagan Kelly’s first question to Cruz was about Trump. I am sorry folks. I realize that even political TV is about showbiz and ratings. Still, I felt the same disappointment I felt with the previous GOP debates; particularly, after my encounter with the politically ignorant shuttle driver.

The GOP debates have attracted record audiences. Our country is on fire folks; a raging out-of-control inferno of Liberalism is consuming every American moral, tradition and value in sight. The GOP debates offer an extremely rare golden opportunity to alert the public to the horrors that Obama and company have unleashed on our country; expose why there are no jobs and so on.

And yet, many of the questions asked by the moderators were designed to create drama; get the GOP contenders attacking each other. I get it, but what about our country.

Also, disturbing were questions that further liberal false narratives. For example: A Muslim woman proclaimed that there is massive intolerance of Muslims. She wanted to know how the GOP contenders plan to fix it.

Well folks, Americans are not seeing nor have they participated in massive persecution of Muslims. As a matter of fact, we are witnessing the opposite. The DOJ has threatened to jail anyone even speaking badly about Muslims. Thus, the woman’s question presented as legit furthers the Left’s lie.

Nevertheless, I loved Ted Cruz’s closing comments of the debate. Cruz said it all comes down to who do you trust to keep their word when elected. Folks, Ted Cruz is peerless in my trust for him.

Okay folks, that’s it for now. I’m joining our CCC team on a street corner to wave “Ted Cruz” signs. Wow, it is cold here in Iowa; especially to us Floridians.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman: The Conservative Campaign Committee

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