American Pride 2016 Calendar – 7days to receive before Christmas!

Dear Brother and Sister Americans,

My heart is heavy for the youths of our great land. For decades they have been taught the lie that America is the greatest source of evil in the world. We MUST educate them to the truth about the greatness of America. I am extremely excited and honored to have the opportunity to recommend to you a project about the history of our great country; The America Pride Calendar/Tabletop Book.

This amazing new calendar will also help strengthen the economy of our nation by providing you with savings on great Made in America products. It is also a wonderful Christmas gift that just keeps on giving.

God bless,
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American


The American Pride Calendar presents

God & Country – Faith & Freedom – Rights & Responsibilities – Morals & Ethics

Dare to think… Dare to Question… Dare to Learn…

In 2010, a TV commentator looked straight into the camera on national television and said “If you sincerely want to help America, then you must first educate our youth and yourself about the true history of our country. Get up off your couch and do something! Even if you don’t know what or how – do something”. On that day, hearing those words I was deeply moved and decided to do exactly that – get up off my couch and make a difference! The words of the commentator had struck my heart and I had an idea of what was needed. With my daughters help we chose a select team and created a beautiful calendar/tabletop book about our true American history and the principles of our Founding Fathers. It has taken over five years and thousands of hours of research & development to get to this point. Many failures and setbacks came our way as we traveled down this road of determination to “do something” for our country, our children and our citizens.

AP2016Calendar_Page_01At first the idea was a simple old fashion wall calendar, with a tear out page for each month containing true American history. The history page would encourage the reader to develop an interest in that month’s theme. Short paragraphs of historical facts would generate curiosity in both youth and adults compelling them to learn more about America’s history. But as usual a good idea inspires more ideas!

As the project developed, it became clear that this product needed to have more than just a single page of historical short stories per month. Another page was added about our patriots and their principals and how our nation began. The idea of a “Dare to Think”…”Dare to Question”…”Dare to Learn” section was added to inspire our youth to research our nation’s history. Then a full page each month about why we have our Bill of Rights and what they represent was added. Finally, the most important two items that were meant to be a part of this unique product fell into place. A monthly “Made in America” discount program that would save the owner of this calendar hundreds of dollars each month on quality “made in the USA products” was added. Last but as always most important, our management staff decided to provide 100% of our companies net profits from this product to honor and help our Veterans and Veteran related programs.


This inspirational and educational product has become more than the original vision and way more than just a high quality, old fashioned, 80 page wall calendar. Yes, it makes a great Christmas gift with beautiful American photos and history awareness while helping our youth to learn about America’s history. Very few gifts can be given that offers these benefits and at the same time provides those you gave it to, with financial savings all year long. And yes it benefits Veterans and Veteran related programs while at the same time helping strengthen our nation’s economy. But most important it could be a way that you, our youth and our citizens can become more aware of our nation’s history and therefore inspire others to regain the love and patriotism in this great country we call America.

Click here to learn more about this great program and a way to benefit others

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