Month: November 2012

An Angry Black Man

Returning home after two months on the road touring the country singing, speaking, writing and campaigning to defeat Obama, I felt similar to a heartbroken soldier after losing a war. I trust God, but in all candor, I felt emotionally…

Lame Black Christian Cop-Out

A black Christian Obama voter called me after the election. For years, I have informed him of Obama’s attacks on Christianity and anti-Christian agenda. He praised Romney for saying in his concession speech that we need to pray for our…

Happy Election Day!

Monday, November 5th, our Rebuild America Defeat Obama bus tour team performed the last of thirty-something rallies in Michigan to win 16 electoral votes. It was quite an emotional grand finale of our six week tour, of which a month…

Geraldo’s Selective Fairness

On Fox & Friends, Geraldo Rivera was extremely upset regarding what he considers to be irresponsible misinformation regarding Obama’s culpability during the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Geraldo said it “broke his heart” to hear Charles Woods, the…